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From a young age I knew I wanted to be a nurse, and I truly believed I would carry on in that career forever. Which in many ways I feel that I am, and its important to me to maintain my registration.

I often wonder how I had the confidence 17 years ago to leave my well paid job, as a Resuscitation Officer within the NHS, to start a new adventure. It keeps coming down to passion. I have always been passionate about healthcare, saving lives, improving what I can for patients.

In some ways starting ECG was just a continuation of that passion and drive but alone rather than within the security of the NHS. I had the confidence to go alone because I believed in myself and I knew there was a great need for improvement within primary care so it felt an exciting challenge to take on! Obviously the difference I make is tiny in the larger picture, however, nevertheless satisfying to me to feel I can make a difference.

So I started my journey with ECG in 2002 with NO training on how to run a business really. Again passion and knowledge of my subject and sector drove me forward down the right path. Plus a few lucky breaks to keep the cash flow going whilst I was growing my customer base!

This is where my nursing experience has really helped grow the business. As a nurse you learn to connect, listen, empathise, support and care for your patients. It becomes second nature to daily use your intuition, as well as skill and knowledge, in decision making. People rely on you, look up to you, need you. Actually running your own business successfully, in my opinion, is all about relationships. Relationships with staff, clients, suppliers and partners. I consider how ‘safe’ that person feels with me and my decisions. I want them to trust me (and my team). I want them to feel we are the experts and will be honest, supportive and do the right thing by them. Everything I did as a nurse.

I am a true believer that ‘people buy from people’. Obviously there is so much more to running a successful business but good old fashioned honest relationships are an essential part!

Written by Jane Lambert (ECG CEO), Wednesday 22nd May 2019