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To my surprise Jane our CEO asked me to attend this event with her, shocked and equally blown away I obviously said yes. Not that the venue in Marbella had anything to do with it of course!

The forum opened with five talks; one of particular interest was a discussion between, Anne – Helene Lebec Former CEO Giphar and James Waldron Editor of C&D discussing the French Pharmacy Model.

The day agenda was highly organised, with enough down time to re-connect with potential clients and some known faces. Over the course of the two days we had eighteen, 15-minute meetings. Jane did most of the talking, while I took minutes and supported conversation from an operations perspective.

Our Hotel – Don Carols, overlooked the sea and had a relaxing atmosphere when connecting with who we had spoken to during the day. As I am still fairly new to the Pharmacy world this was a great opportunity for me. I met a variety of Pharmacy professionals, taking in all the conversation and language which I can now take back to ECG.

After another busy day of meetings, we had our final dinner on the 13th. The event theme was ‘Bright and Bold’. So we took this opportunity to take two green wigs that were lying around in the ECG offices.… yes, we went to dinner in green wigs, it would have been rude not too! This was also a great time to further support and raise awareness for our partnership with MK Hospital Charity and their #BeSeenInGreen campaign overseas.

To wrap the trip up, the forum opened a lot of doors for us here at ECG. Jane and I are already working on very exciting projects to support the company’s growth. We also hope to maintain relationships with the connections we made.

Also, shout out to India and Keyana the forum organisers at Open Room, thank you for making us feel so welcome and awarding Jane with the Social Media Presence Award.

2019 will be a game changing year for ECG!

Written by Clara Travers ECG Operations Manager, Wednesday 3rd July 2019.

You can follow me: here

Jane – thrown into a 45 second elevator pitch. Totally smashed it, the audience gave great feedback!

Hotel, Pier, Marbella

It wouldn’t be ECG without a selfie or two!

Jane being silly!