Great news, we recently went live our new ‘Clinical Assessment for Community Pharmacist’ online course!
This online course has been written with community pharmacists in mind. It has been created to help boost your skills and confidence in assessing unwell patients who attend the pharmacy.
The course includes guidance on taking a relevant history from a patient in a clear and concise manner. It goes on to look at how to measure basic clinical observations including pulse, blood pressure, oxygen saturations, temperature, blood glucose and urinalysis amongst others. In addition, it discusses how to handover your patient and documentation of your findings. Importantly, the course goes on to look at how to risk assess your patient into a low, medium or high risk rating and looks at red flags where you would want to refer on appropriately.
This course can really support provision of healthcare under the long term plan with the use of pharmacy connection schemes such as the NHS Digital Minor Illness Referral Service (DMIRS) and could be of benefit when getting involved in conversations regarding Primary Care Networks (PCNs).
This course can help to give an overview of clinical assessment as a standalone online course that can be completed at your own pace, but also works well in complementing other face-to-face training.
This course will help to give you the foundation assessment skills of being able to safely assess unwell patients; using these foundations, will give you the opportunity to continue with a minor ailment service such as eye, ear, nose and throat infections or simple coughs and colds as well as being able to rapidly identify patients who require urgent medical attention in order to keep your service provision and patients safe.
If you wish to download further information, please go: here
To purchase this course, please see: here
Written by Clara Travers (Operational Manager), Thursday 23rd May 2019